
González Byass, best ‘Wine Tourism Management’

González Byass, best ‘Wine Tourism Management’

González Byass was granted the “Best Wine Tourism Management” Award at the 9th edition of the Business Awards for Wine Markets and Wine Distribution 2015. In this way, the jury, made up of representatives from the leading organisations in the winemaking and wine distribution sectors and from the relevant public agencies, has acknowledged González Byass’ outstanding work out in the field.

Constant innovation and the pursuit of quality and excellence, both in the services provided and the customer care offered, rule the day-to-day wine tourism activities at all the González Byass wineries. Specifically, the Jerez facilities welcome over 200,000 visitors a year, which makes it the most visited winery in Europe and one of the first worldwide. Initiatives such as the Tío Pepe Festival or the incorporation of augmented reality in the tours. They are two examples of this Family of Wine’s commitment to being at the forefront of the wine sector, with a number of varied experiential wine tourism activities.

About the Business Awards for Wine Markets and Wine Distribution

This event is promoted by the publishing house Contenidos Económicos Verticales. It’s edited by the publication Mercados del Vino y la Distribución. The awards are intended to recognise the entrepreneurial efforts made by the different actors in the world of wine and wine distribution and the agri-food industry.


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Etiquetas: bestGonzález Byass

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