
E. & J. Gallo Winery recognized as a top company for employee culture

E. & J. Gallo Winery recognized as a top company for employee culture

E. & J. Gallo Winery recognized as a top company for employee culture. Glassdoor, one of the fastest growing jobs and recruiting sites, has named E. & J. Gallo Winery one of the 9 best companies for outstanding company cultures that employees love. Gallo was the only beverage company recognized in the results. Other companies making the Glassdoor list include SpaceX, Pinterest, New Balance, Trader Joe’s, EverFi, Madwire and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

«We are honored to be recognized for our employee culture», said Joseph Gallo, chief executive. He’s second-generation member of the founding family. He added, «Our culture is the result of our company values of respect, integrity, humility, innovation, commitment and teamwork. We seek to live our values each and every day so they can be passed on to ensure our culture thrives and our company continues to succeed».

Gallo received a score of 4.4 out of a possible 5 for culture and values based on reviews from employees. Respondents cited Gallo’s family ownership which is a valued part of the company culture and values. A majority of respondents cited the people and the ability to grow your career as the two best things about working at the world’s largest winery. As one survey respondent stated, «Great company culture. Company cares and invests in employees. Awesome to work with intelligent people that are one of the best in their respective field.»

For many years, the Gallo Winery has made it a priority to create the best work place for its employees. A number of the innovative programs and services offered include facility enhancements, free bus shuttles between the Bay Area and the Gallo headquarters in Modesto, seasonal hours, telecommuting, meeting-free Fridays, on-site Food Trucks and dining to allow employees to network, and an on-site primary care center for employees and their families.

«Because this recognition was the result of our employees makes it particularly important and meaningful», said Michelle Lewis, vice president of global human resources. She added, «We appreciate the honest feedback our employees provide at all levels to make Gallo a better place to work every day».

«Because this recognition was the result of our employees makes it particularly important and meaningful», said Michelle Lewis, vice president of global human resources. She added, «We appreciate the honest feedback our employees provide at all levels to make Gallo a better place to work every day».


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