Categorías: Noticias

‘Albariños al Mundo’ Contest 2015

The Albariños Around the World competition, now in its fourth edition, will be held in Stockholm, Sweden this year on November 20th. Previous editions of this event were held in London, Dusseldorf and Brussels. The annual contest is organized by the Spanish Wine Tasters Union.

The objective of this event is to raise international awareness about the Albariño grape’s potential and to provide a platform for the international promotion of wines and spirits (aguardientes) made with the Albariño grape.

The jury will be formed by the most prestigious tasters in Sweden, including representatives of  Systembolaget (the Swedish wine distribution monopoly) like Anders Barren (in charge of Spanish wines purchasing), Göran Klintberg (Portugal wines purcchasing), and Master of Wine Ulf Sjödin; wine journalists like Alf Tumble (Dagens Nyheter),and Master of Wine Madeleine Stenwreth; and sommeliers like Danielle Lundh ( Frantzén Restaurant), Maya Samuelsson (director of the Scandinavian Wine Academy), and Susanne Berglund, (best Swedish sommelier 2004)

The contest will inlcude wines which come from the two areas where Albariño grapes are grown: Galicia and the Vinho Verde region of Portugal. The results will be made public on November 24th.


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Etiquetas: Albariños al Mundo

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